Sunday, February 13, 2011

Its Our Time

With it being Black History Month, I cannot help but look back and appreciate all that supporters of Civil Rights lived and died for. They lived for change. I remember the stories my father, mother, aunts, and uncles would tell me about living through civil rights and its immediate effects. One could not escape it, Black or White. I remember asking my aunt if she was involved in the Women’s Rights movements occurring at the same time as Civil Rights and she told me, “Taylor, I was Black before I was a woman.” I am so proud to be able to learn from a generation that inspired change and, in fact, not only changed the time they were living in, but history itself.

Lets fast-forward 45 years to today. We are the new generation that is responsible for the change. An article in the UN Chronicle, titled “Are "Twittering" Youth Agents of Positive Change?” urges youth to get involved in change for our generation. The article focuses on youth using their tools of social media to share information and encourage activism. Through this medium, youth from all over the world have the ability to be connected and generate a message.  

Social media is an effective tool of communication for the youth to take advantage of. Someone once told me, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Our generation may not battle an entire legal system, march to the Lincoln memorial, or protest through sit-ins, but we can do something. If Facebook, Twitter, and blogging is what we have, a message can still be spread. Change starts with us.

Twittering" Youth Agents of Positive Change?

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog entry! I always think of social media as just a news source, but this is empowering. The possibility for positive movements and change is tremendous thanks to Twitter and Facebook.
